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a daily dose of cannabis news, content & luxury products

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Homemade cannabis content, delivered fresh daily.
Juice Pouches (presented by Ardent)
Capri Sun, but make it with weed! Watch the new recipe now.
WatchDunkaroos (presented by Ardent)
The 90's is back, and better with weed! Watch the new recipe now.
Quick Reads
Homemade cannabis content, delivered fresh daily.
U.S. Citizen Detained in Russia for CBD Gummies, Faces 10-Year Sentence
Russia has detained another American citizen on cannabis-related charges, just days after the high-profile release of U.S. medical marijuana...
The DEA’s Political Game: Delaying Cannabis Rescheduling to Serve Their Own Agenda
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has once again shown where their priorities lie by postponing a hearing to consider rescheduling cannabis...
War-Torn Ukraine Legalizes Medical Cannabis
Ukraine’s medical marijuana law has officially taken effect, marking a historic shift in the country’s healthcare landscape. As of Friday,...

Latest Recipes
Classic and fresh Cannabis-infused edibles recipes to DIY and get the most out of your greens.
How Keto Cannabis brownies
The keto diet is here to stay so why not find a way to DIY perfectly indulgent brownies for everyone at the table. The key here is quality cocoa powder! Don’t neglect it. If the baking dish starts to bubble over and look a little...
How to make Weed Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a childhood staple beloved on sandwiches, in smoothies, candy and even spooned straight out of the jar. It’s an american delight that happens to be packed with protein and heart-healthy fats. What could make peanut butter...