Smokin’ That Vape Pen – Ep. 15
Hypocrites like this kill my vibe
You're 21+, right?
Hypocrites like this kill my vibe
When your friend gets stoned and suddenly they’re a philosopher
I want to be ‘hanging-out-with-a-giant-talking-tommy-chong-cloud’ high
The great debate: Sativa or Indica??
Crazy sh*t happens when you smoke with Snoop
This is what REALLY happened to all your missing lighters...
We’ve all bent the knee to the cotton mouth king before...
Simba really doesn’t get the circle of cyph
The magic of keef
Nothing like accidentally calling a friend while baked out of ur mind
How many gummies is too many gummies?
Worst sketchy dealer story. GO!
The dangers of public cyph circles...
Does this really make a difference?
Y’all ever dealt with one of these guys before?