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Infused Olive Oil

Cannabis-infused Oil (or Canna Oil) is an awesome way to flavor and season your Cannabis Edibles Recipes. While CannaButter has its place in baked goods and CannaHoney is fantastic for tea, Cannabis infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a perfect non-dairy ingredient for weed edibles, salads and snacks. Ideal for savory dishes but really a flavorful addition to most recipes.

Enjoyed throughout the mediterranean for milenia for its robust, earthy flavor, olive oil has become an essential element in all western kitchens. This oil is perfect for cannabis infusion because it’s so flavorful on its own that it helps mask that telltale, herbal weed flavor we all know so well.

This delicious oil can turn store bought hummus into a THC infused snack to share with friends. Please note: Knowing your dosages is essential especially with something so easy to drizzle out of a seemingly endless bottle. This recipe is for 50 servings (at 16.10mg per serving) so please drizzle responsibly. 

50 servings = 16.10mg per servings


3.5g (⅛ oz) Cannabis, ground but not excessively finely

1 cup EVOO

First of all… Decarb cannabis… Scatter cannabis on a baking dish and cover.  Bake for 35min at 250F. Many ovens have a 20 degree or so range of temperature so to avoid burning your green gold, use a stand alone oven thermometer.

Prepare a perfectly clean mason jar with 1 cup of olive oil in it. 

When the cannabis is ready, wrap it well in the cheesecloth and submerge in the oil until the cheesecloth is well soaked. Place in a pan of water and simmer gently for 3 hours. 

When time us up, remove the cheesecloth bundle with tongs, gently getting as much oil out without wringing the cheesecloth out completely (and getting too much herbal flavor in your oil).

Use a funnel if needed to pour oil into a bottle. 

Safety tip: Label your edible ingredients so they don’t get confused with their THC free counterparts!

End of: Infused Olive Oil